Our Classes

CrossFit Fitclass

Basic elements and techniques will be coached in detail in our Fitclasses. The speed of this session is slower but workouts stay intense. Level: Beginners and everyone who wants to go back to the basics

CrossFit All Level

Skills and Weights are more advanced in the All Level classes. But can be scaled individually. There will be two versions of the workouts to choose from: All Level and Advanced. Level: Beginner to Advanced

CrossFit Advanced

The workouts are CrossFit competitions orientated therefore the skills and weights are highly advanced. Also the pace of the classes is faster so the athletes should be familiar with the terms and movements of CrossFit. Level: Advanced


Cross+ is a training concept which includes working on stability of the whole body. The class will be focused on core, back, shoulders and controlled movements. It will have a great carryover to CrossFit training. Level: all

Olympic Weightlifting

The right way to work with the barbell leads to an increased performance in strength, speed, strength endurance and the cardiovascular system. In this class the traditional disciplines of olympic weightlifting snatch and clean and jerk will be coached. Level: all

CrossFit Kids and Teens

Many studies show the importance of training and movement in the kids age. It supports personal development, social skills and the ability to learn along the way. Kids who workout are more active. CrossFit Jackhammer will take care of that from now on.

Goal 1: measurable improvements of movement, coordination and body sensation.

Goal 2: the kids should get a minimum of one good experience per session

Goal 3: Strength and Endurance will be improved and established.

Season 2021/22

After summer break we’ll start another season with 38 coached sessions. During the holidays there are no trainings.

  • Start 18.08.2020 – End 29.06.2022
  • Wednesday at 14:00 – 15:00 Uhr
  • Staff Coaches with Know How in the teen area